Charleville State High School
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Corner of Partridge and Hunter Streets
Charleville QLD 4470

Phone: 07 4656 8888
Fax: 07 4656 8800

9 November 2022

Newsletter Articles

Principal News

Year 12

This will be the last Newsletter that is distributed prior to our Year 12 students graduating. I am very much looking forward to sharing in the upcoming celebrations of the Formal and Graduation Ceremony with the students, parents/carers, invited guests and staff. I would like to congratulate the class of 2022 on their conduct during the external exam block and to their overall application to their school work and assessment. In my short time at Charleville State High School it has become quite obvious that your contribution to the school has been great, and that you will be missed. I, on behalf of the whole school community, wish you all the very best of success in whatever the next chapter of your lives may be.

Regional Director and Assistant Regional Director Visits

Last week we had the pleasure of having our Regional Director, Leanne Wright, as well as Assistant Regional Directors Andrew Brandon and Scott Pacey visiting our school. It was a great opportunity to talk about the quality work occurring in the school and for some classroom visits to occur. I would like to thank Leanne, Andrew and Scott for your visit and support of Charleville State High School.

World Teachers Day

The other week we celebrated World Teachers Day. On this day we acknowledge the work that teachers do in a variety of contexts with a variety of students. Teaching is a fantastic job and I would like to thank all the teaching staff at Charleville State High School for your tireless efforts each and every day.

Tuckshop Day

Last week Tuckshop Day was celebrated. I would like to acknowledge the great work Leith Brennan, our Tuckshop Convenor, does to provide high quality food to our students. I would also like to acknowledge the parent supporters that volunteer to help out in the tuckshop as well as the P&C for running this fabulous facility.

Planning for 2023

At this stage of the year, a vast amount of time is invested in planning for 2023. A significant component of this process is reflecting on what has been working and what needs to be improved moving forward. Through this process it has been pleasing to see the improvements that have been made throughout the course of this year. These improvements are only possible when we have all parts of the wider school community working together. This planning is informed by the Charleville State High School Strategic Plan and will result in the creation of the 2023 Annual Implementation Plan.


Over the previous weeks I have had the opportunity to visit a number of classrooms. It has been pleasing to see students working on upcoming assessment. During my time in the classroom students have been able to articulate what they are learning, how they are being assessed and have indicated how they think they will achieve. Good luck to all students for their upcoming assessment.


Once again, I encourage all students to attend school unless they are unwell. With the shorter, nine-week term, it is important to maximise attendance at school to ensure continuity of learning and to maximise your student’s chance of success.

Parent Participation

The next P&C meeting will occur on Wednesday 9th November. This will be the final P&C meeting for the year.


Return to Charleville State High School

I am very happy to have returned to Charleville State High School as Deputy Principal last week. I had 14 weeks away from the school on medical leave. It has been a difficult physical journey for me whilst on medical leave with more physiotherapy in the future. However, I missed working with the students greatly and I am improving each day. I intend to remain at the school for several more years.

Currently, I am working on School Documents in preparation for 2023.

I would like to thank Sue McDermott and Stefanie Andriolo who took on the task as acting Deputy Principal for term 3 and 4.

Kind regards,
Narelle Webb
Deputy Principal


As we move very quickly towards the end of the school year, the major focus of every student should be working to the best of their ability in order to achieve well in all of their curriculum subjects. With the assessment cycle looming, students (and their parents/carers) need to plan their time carefully to ensure last minute panic is avoided as much as possible.


  1. Get plenty of sleep (at least 8 hours a night whenever possible);
  2. Have a healthy breakfast to fuel your brain for learning;
  3. Eat a nutritious lunch (low in added sugar/caffeine);
  4. Drink plenty of water (not soft drink/energy drink/flavoured milk);
  5. Use your assessment planners to prioritise your assessment tasks;
  6. Seek help from your teachers before school, during breaks or after school (remember Thursday afternoon Homework Club);
  7. Make sure that you take notice of feedback given on your drafts or during class activities;
  8. Hand your assessment tasks in on time and be at school for any exams;
  9. Speak to your Year Level Coordinator, the Guidance Officer, Youth Support Coordinator or Chaplain if you need extra support.


In week 8 of this term, year 7 students will finally be attending their year level camp, which was postponed earlier in the year due to Covid-19. Final attendance lists have been compiled and dormitory groups finalised. I know that the students who attend camp will have a fabulous time, and I sincerely thank those staff who have been involved in the planning for this, as well as the staff who will be spending the week with the students on camp. An alternative program will be in operation at the school for those students who are not attending camp.


The 2022 JCE ceremony will be held on Wednesday 30th November, in the Charleville State High School hall. The ceremony will commence at 9am. All students in years 7, 8 and 9 will attend the ceremony. Parents of all year 9 students are invited to attend this important event.


Students continue to be reminded of the following:

  • Regular, daily attendance at school is essential if students wish to experience success. Ideally, students need to be at school 92% of the time to give themselves the best chance of staying up to date with the knowledge and skills needed to pass each and every subject.
  • Fully closed in shoes must be worn at all times at school. Students who are wearing inappropriate footwear (thongs/slides/socks/etc) will be required to sit in the office during all break times, and they will not be permitted to participate in practical classes, such as science experiments/sports/ cooking/woodwork/metalwork. These students will be given alternative theory work, which may need to be completed in the office if it is unsafe to do so in the classroom. Students who refuse to complete this alternative work will be required to complete it during lunch breaks with their teacher.
  • Wearing of appropriate school uniform is expected all day, every day. Students who are not able to comply with this requirement need to obtain a Uniform Slip from the office before school. Unless a parental note or phone call is received to explain the reason for the uniform violation, students will be required to attend lunchtime detentions, monitored by the relevant Year Level Coordinator.
  • Soft drinks and energy drinks, such as Mother/Red Bull/V/etc are BANNED at the school. These beverages are NOT for sale through the school canteen, but students are purchasing them at other venues and bringing them onto school grounds. Students who choose to bring these to school will be instructed to hand them in to the office (collection to occur after 3pm). Please note: the drinks will not be stored in the refrigerator.
  • Mobile phones are banned at school for students in years 7, 8 and 9. Students are reminded that they must hand their mobiles in to the office upon arrival at school. If students are seen using their phones during school time, they will be required to take their device to the office, where it can be collected by parents after 3pm.
  • Swearing and threatening others, including teachers, is not acceptable. Students who threaten others or use inappropriate language can anticipate consequences for this behaviour, including possible suspension from school.
  • The most important reason for students to be at school is to be in class, participating and learning. Students who choose to avoid classes, or whose poor behaviour means that they can no longer be in the room, still need to gain new knowledge and develop new skills. For this reason, students who truant or who are exited from class will be expected to complete their class work during break times under supervision of their classroom teacher.

UQ Young Achiever’s Program

Another participant in the University of Queensland Young Achiever’s Program. Riley Thureson received her certificate recently.