Charleville State High School
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Corner of Partridge and Hunter Streets
Charleville QLD 4470

Phone: 07 4656 8888
Fax: 07 4656 8800

11 May 2022

Newsletter Articles

Principal Note

A warm welcome to Week 4 of Term 2. We have had a busy and very productive start to the Term with Student Investiture, ANZAC Ceremonies, Community March, Parent-Teacher Interviews, Beyond Broncos workshop and Tackle Flu Immunisations all completed within the first three weeks!

We now move into the timeframe to conduct NAPLAN Tests for our Year 7 & 9 students. The students have all been involved with a practice session or familiarisation process to make sure they are comfortable with the technology used to complete the tests online. The focus of the school is to prepare the students through our curriculum delivery and for everyone involved to simply do their best in the actual tests.

From that point we can then use the data that is generated to sharpen our focus on key areas. For example, we have had a renewed, explicit focus on writing in 2022 which was based on our observations and supported by the Writing results for the cohorts across the last few years.

Staffing Updates

The decision has been made at Regional level to extend the recruitment timelines for the Principal position so that it can now begin at the start of Semester 2, which is the 11th of July. To facilitate this Narelle Webb has been asked to step into the role as Acting Principal for the remainder of Term 2, which I am pleased to advise that she has accepted.

Anna Batstone will now be the full-time Acting Deputy Principal for weeks 5 and 6 and we will provide further updates on this position in the next newsletter.

I am very grateful to both Narelle and Anna for their availability to support the school by moving into these positions. Also, very confident that they will do an outstanding job through their undoubted capacity and determination to do the very best for our students.

Charleville Show Holiday

The school will be closed on Friday 13 May for the Charleville Show. We wish all the students that attend a very enjoyable day and look forward to welcoming children back to school on Monday May 16.

P&C Membership and Meetings

Very pleased to advise that we have conducted our AGM for the P&C and the officer bearers have been chosen. All four people have returned to their positions for 2022:

  • John Bursle – President
  • Kelly Shearwin – Vice-President
  • Lesley MacDonald – Secretary
  • Harry Mulhall – Treasurer

A huge vote of thanks from myself and the school community to these people for the work they do to support our students and our school!

As always, we encourage parents and caregivers to please come along to our P&C meetings. The next scheduled meeting is Wednesday 11 May, starting at 5.30pm at the RESQ building, we would love to see you there.

In closing

My final newsletter for 2022 as Principal of Charleville State High School is somewhat bittersweet. Obviously very excited to be moving into a new challenge and also have a sense of loss at leaving this great community.

Toni and I have very much enjoyed our time in Charleville and take many lovely memories with us as we leave for Deception Bay. Thanks to the many people who welcomed and supported us across a very challenging time, including a global pandemic; it was so very important to us both.

Professionally I have learned a great deal about the importance of connection with the community as a Principal and the great strength that comes from working in partnerships to support student outcomes. I am very confident that the school is on a good path towards ongoing improvement and that the team here will continue this journey throughout the rest of this year and into the future.

All the best,

Barry Wallett

Junior Schooling


As the weather is becoming cooler, please ensure that your student is in correct uniform. The black hoodie or school jacket is the preferred warm clothing however, any plain black sweater/jumper is acceptable. Blue jeans are not school uniform. If students prefer to wear jeans to track suit pants, an exception is made as long as the jeans are black and not blue denim. Detentions shall be handed out if students show a pattern of deliberately not wearing school uniform. If anyone is finding it difficult to supply their student with the correct uniform, please contact the school for support.

Year 7 and 9 Students: NAPLAN (National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy)

If you have a student in Year 7 or 9 they will be preparing to sit the NAPLAN tests beginning this week. This year, our students will be sitting for NAPLAN ONLINE. NAPLAN ONLINE is conducted over a two-week period beginning on Tuesday May 10. The students have had a number of practice sessions and appear to be quite comfortable with the process.

The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests were first implemented in May 2008 when national tests were held in literacy and numeracy for all students in Australia in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9.

What is the purpose of NAPLAN?

While it is acknowledged that the NAPLAN tests can cause anxiety for some students, the purpose of NAPLAN is to assess the skills of all Australian students in literacy and numeracy against national minimum standards.

What is tested?

A series of (4) Four tests will assess areas of literacy and numeracy.

The following areas of literacy are assessed in three papers:

  • Language conventions - spelling, grammar and punctuation
  • Writing - knowledge and control of written language
  • Reading - comprehension.

In numeracy, students are tested in one session only in 2022 and the content areas assessed are:

  • Number
  • Measurement, chance and data
  • Space
  • Algebra, function and pattern (formal algebra for Year 9 only).

Results from the tests will provide important information about children's progress in literacy and numeracy. Following the tests, schools and students will receive a statement of performance in relation to the national minimum standards.

What do students need to do?

Relax. There is no need to be anxious. Diagnostic tests help inform the school on areas that need to be focussed. Students need to try their hardest, focus on their own work and turn up to each exam on time. The students will sit for NAPLAN online in the Computer rooms using the desktop computers in the Trade Training centre or in the library using Laptop computers. Both year levels have been preparing across Term 1. For further information about NAPLAN and the tests please do not hesitate to contact the school or go to the links below.

Student Welfare


Tackle Flu. Indigenous students take part in the Tackle Flu initiative. All eligible students should have received a consent form. Please have these forms returned as soon as possible. Any questions please contact me or our CEC, Lavina Martin. The first clinic was held at school on Thursday 5 May. A second date has been set for Thursday 12 May. Please ensure your student is at school if you wish them to receive this free service.


For safety reasons, please be aware that unless supervised, students/children are not allowed on school grounds outside of school hours.

Mobile Phones at Charleville SHS

A reminder once again that students in Years 7, 8 & 9 are not to have phones at school.

The inappropriate use of a mobile phone at times is reported to the school, however the majority of times the mobile phone is used outside of school hours. If there is evidence that a senior student has used their phone inappropriately at school, then the student is not to have their phone at school. It is the parents and carers’ responsibility to ensure that the student is receiving and sending legal and only age appropriate material. Recently, it has been brought to our attention that the use of social media apps has been used as a form of targeting students. Apps such as “SNAPCHAT” are used with the participants believing that their comments are private and will disappear. However, some individuals are screen-shotting conversations and adjusting the comments to appear that the other participants is “out of line”. This has been reported to the school on many different occasions with students from a wide range of year levels. Once again, I urge all parents to know what your student is sending and receiving on their mobile phone. It is not an invasion of privacy. It is good parenting. Until the student is legal age, the parent is responsible for all content on mobile phones.


Bullying in any form is not tolerated at school. However, it can be difficult to monitor as at times it is not reported until the “victim”, has retaliated. Please urge your student to talk to a teacher, Year Level Coordinator or Head of Department should they feel they are being bullied in any form. I would also like to remind our school community that students are available to make anonymous reports via the stymie website ( to report any such issues.

Racist actions and comments will also not be tolerated. Please ensure that you have conversations with your student on treating every human with respect. Young people at times do not realise that their actions and or words may be viewed as offensive.


Charleville State High School is a PBL school.

Positive Behaviour for Learning is:

  • The most effective way to develop a safe and supportive learning environment;
  • A school community (students, parents and school staff) work together to establish the expectations for behaviour. The expectations are simple, clear and explicit. BE SAFE, BE RESPECTFUL, BE RESPONSIBLE and BE A LEARNER;
  • Developed as research shows that students are more likely to respond positively when they know what is expected of them and when responses to behaviour are fair and consistent.

All students are explicitly taught the expected behaviours. Some students will require additional support to learn the expected behaviour. A few students will require intensive support to assist them to learn appropriate ways of behaving.

As part of the PBL process we encourage Expected Behaviours with Starbucks:

  • rewarding Expected Behaviour
  • free and frequent
  • medium term (Starbucks accumulate)
  • long term (Rewards trip celebration)

Also, a study/homework group meets on a Thursday afternoon that all students can attend. Parents sign up for this at enrolment. Contact office if you are unsure.

Thank you for your continued support of your student, the school and the educational process. If you would like any further information regarding the topics above please don’t hesitate to contact the school. Together we can make a difference in the lives of our future leaders.

Kind Regards,

Narelle Webb
Deputy Principal
Junior School

Literacy Links

There is no doubt that being literate is important, not just in school, but in real life as well. We continue to focus on the importance of reading and reading comprehension in 2022.

Writing sensibly, accurately and with increasing complexity is still a major focus in term 2.

TERM 2 WEEKS 4 & 5

All classroom teachers continue to be engaged in using Directed Reading and Thinking (DRTA) strategies to improve student stamina and comprehension of the written word. They are now moving away from a writing focus on sentences, and moving into using these essential building blocks to focus on the construction of effective paragraphs. This will be occurring across all subjects in order to increase writing skills and stamina.

How can parents support their child's literacy?

  • Liaise with your child’s teachers to find out term 2 topics, assessment requirements, weekly homework;
  • Provide a quiet area, away from distractions, for your child to complete reading and writing homework activities;
  • Monitor reading/writing homework; encourage your child to give his/her best effort;
  • Ensure that your child completes homework, or revision of class notes, every day of the week;
  • Read with and to your child (listening to them read out loud is fantastic);
  • Talk about what your child is reading (What is happening? When is it happening? Where is it happening? Who is involved? How do you feel about the events or people involved? Why is the reading important?)
  • Support your child to complete homework neatly, accurately and using complete sentences to create interesting and effective paragraphs.

Creating literate children is a team effort; be part of the Charleville team.

Billy Cart Races

Over the Easter long weekend Mr. Kohli and Mr Mulhall attended the Augathella billy cart races, An idea that began at the start of the year and had taken up many weekends to complete came to its end. Across an awesome day of downhill racing the pair beat all their competitors and came first, showing that those who teach still can also do, and win.

They look forward to vying for the Charleville billy cart win and coming back next year to fight to retain their crowns.

The Winners - Mr Kohli and Mr Mulhall

Charleville SHS – Trivia Night

When: June 4, 5.30pm. Where: Charleville SHS Hall

The 2022 RESQ+ Art Competition is open!

This competition is for all types of artists (beginners, first timers, experts etc) from Charleville to share their story with others and to be part of Charleville’s NAIDOC Week (11-15 July).

Competition Theme: Get up! Stand Up! Show Up!

It must be a genuine commitment by all of us to Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up! and support and secure institutional, structural, collaborative, and cooperative reforms.

It’s also time to celebrate the many who have driven and led change in our communities over generations—they have been the heroes and champions of change, of equal rights and even basic human rights.

What does this theme mean to you?

Art can tell a story. What story will you paint about the theme? Let your art tell the story / do the talking.

Who can enter?

Entry is open to all students. All entries must have been completed within the competition dates.

Dates of the Competition

Competition Start Date: Tuesday 3rd of May
Competition End Date: Friday 8th July

All entries must be supplied by 4pm at the RESQ Office located at 96 Parry Street.

Winners & Prizes:

Winners will be chosen on Monday 11th July. Winners will be announced on Friday 15th of July at St. Marys School. There are several prizes to be won across the schools ranging from $50 to $300 vouchers.

Details to be included with the Entry:

Student Name:
School Name:
School Year:


If you are interested in casual cleaning at Charleville SHS please contact Jillian Bussell on 4656 8888. You must have a current Suitability Card from Working with Children (Queensland’s Blue Card system).

We have casual hours that will be available in 2022 with possibility of permanent hours in 2023.

KEY DUTIES: Contribute to the efficient and effective operation and environment of the school by providing a high level of cleaning support.