Charleville State High School
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Corner of Partridge and Hunter Streets
Charleville QLD 4470

Phone: 07 4656 8888
Fax: 07 4656 8800

1 September 2021

Newsletter Articles

Principal’s Note

Welcome to Week 8 of Term 3, very much heading into the business end of Term now with Junior Secondary assessment tasks falling due and Seniors, particularly our year 12’s, busily preparing for a range of things including leadership applications, external exams, subject selections and pathway check ins to ensure they are on track moving forward.

As a school we are always striving to achieve the best possible learning outcomes for our students. As the year 12’s move ever closer to “the finish line” for their schooling years we become increasingly focused on supporting a positive transition to post-school life. This includes tracking their points for the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE), preparing for external exams, ensuring Certificate courses are finished and monitoring wellbeing. During this busy time please contact the school if you need any additional support, or are concerned about how your child is progressing or coping with this sometimes-hectic period.

Transition Day 1 – 2022 Year 7’s

A fantastic Transition Day took place last week for our 2022 Year 7’s. The students very much enjoyed the experience and lots of smiling faces was the reward for the hard-working team, led by Amy Roughan, who put this together. Students engaged in lessons focused on Japanese, Humanities, Hospitality, Sport and ITD (Manual Arts), getting the opportunity to meet staff and also to become familiar with our way of working at the high school.

I very much enjoy these days, particularly the opportunity to meet our incoming students. Each time I hear a “Hi Mr Wallett” or “see you Mr Wallett” it brings a big smile to my face. Ultimately the work we do in education is all about relationships and the more we develop these prior to starting the better the outcomes will be.

Walk throughs

Over the past two weeks we have conducted around 25 walk throughs of classes to observe learning environments and the continued implementation of the Charleville Top 5 pedagogical strategies. Very pleased to be able to report strong evidence of positive learning environments with visible evidence of; organised and inviting classrooms (100%), Learning Walls (87%), Learning Objectives (84%), Success Criteria (75%), PBL focussed (93%) and Directed Reading and Thinking Activities (60%).

These results are reflective of the efforts of the teaching team to provide high quality instruction in supporting quality learning outcomes for students. We strive for consistency in our approach to ensure students have clarity in how things “work” at our school. There is no finish line for this, it continues to be about ongoing improvement and I am confident this is occurring at Charleville SHS.

Recent excursions - Aspire 2Health and Careers Expo

Over the last week or so students from our school have visited the Careers Expo, Aspire2Health, the Senior Games and the Performing Arts Festival. For all of these events we have received very positive feedback from the organisers about the participation and general conduct of our students. Each provided an invaluable opportunity for the students who attended, which for the Career Expo meant the whole school, in supporting decision making about post-school transitions as well as contributing to the local community.

The students also reported positively about their experiences at the events, in many instances our older students in particular are at the point where the reality of leaving school and moving into the next phase of their lives is “suddenly” right in front of them. Each opportunity to gain understanding about what comes next is highly valuable and very much compliments the work we do at school and you do at home to prepare them.

Potential change to break times for 2022

This information has been included for a third and final newsletter to maximise opportunities for feedback.

Currently we have three break times each day for students, 10.10am – 10. 40am, 11.50am – 12.20pm and 1.30pm – 1.45pm. After initial consultation with the P&C and staff we are considering adjusting this in 2022 to two breaks a day with school start and finish times remaining the same as 2021. The reason behind this is to maximise the learning time available in the morning, often this is a highly valued time for teaching as the students are fresher and more actively engaged.

The actual amount of break times would not change in terms of the minutes allocated, students would still receive 75 minutes per day, and we would need to take additional factors into consideration such as the amount of time between arriving at school and having an opportunity for a snack or accessing toilets. At this stage we are seeking any feedback from parents regarding this proposal and also any suggestions around the timing of breaks to support student learning and wellbeing.

Each day consists of four 70-minute periods and 10 minutes for Form (roll marking and notices). The basic idea is to have Period 1 and 2 before first break (35 minutes) then Period 3 followed by second break (35 minutes) and finally Period 4. The placement of Form class is one way we can provide a break between Period 1 and 2 and we can also allow 5 minutes to move between classes. Some possible structures include:

Example A

Example B

  • Form
  • Period 1
  • 5-minute interval to move between classes
  • Period 2
  • Break 1 (35 minutes)
  • Period 3
  • Break 2 (35 minutes)
  • Period 4
  • Period 1
  • Form – 15 minutes (could include snack break for younger students)
  • Period 2
  • Break 1 (35 minutes)
  • Period 3
  • Break 2 (35 minutes)
  • Period 4

Please feel free to contact me via email or by calling the school if you have any questions, feedback or suggestions. Another great way to give input is through the P&C either by attending or chatting with one of the P&C Executive members. We will continue to seek feedback throughout Term 3 before making any decisions on this consideration and I will work closely with the P&C to ensure we have a considered decision if any changes are to be made.

In Closing

One of the most important aspects of school life is feedback, both in terms of supporting student learning and also to inform our improvement agenda. As we begin to prepare strategic documentation for 2022 please take the opportunity to provide any thoughts or considerations via the P&C or the ATSI Community Partnerships forums.

Along with the School Opinion Survey results, which I am hoping will be available soon, this information is vital to constructing informed strategies and targets to underpin our improvement journey. As I so often mention, the partnership between home and school is incredibly important and very much valued.

All the best,

Barry Wallett

Senior School

Year 12 Students

With only a few more weeks to go of term 3 and not many weeks in class in term 4, year 12’s need to take the opportunity to really focus in on their studies for the final stretch. Whether this is preparing for external exams, completing certificate work to finalise QCE points, or finalising assessment for their applied courses, students should be aware of what assessment they have, when it is due, and be asking for help if they need it.

Students are reminded that if they are not on track for their QCE, during the external exam period they will be required to attend school to work on completing certificate courses and other work that will contribute to their QCE points. If students are unsure whether they are on track, they can check through the MyQCE website or can come and speak with Mrs Kohli.

There are a number of opportunities for students to apply for bursaries leading up to award’s night, which will be held on the 20th of October. Information regarding these was distributed to students and emailed to parents last week.

Year 11 Students – Leadership

A huge thank-you and congratulations to all of our students who completed the nomination process for a leadership position and have presented a speech on senior parade today. All of our nominees were prepared and delivered a strong performance at assembly.

Next Monday, students will complete the final stage of the selection process which will be an interview (this will be held during their ATAR or VET Pathways lesson).

I wish all the students well in this process.

Year 11 Students – Subject Changes

As we close in on term 4, students in year 11 will be coming to the end of unit 2 of their courses. It is time for students to make a final decision around their subjects for year 12 (students need to be aware that they cannot change mid-course in year 12 as they must complete both units 3 and 4 for them to count).

If students wish to have a meeting to discuss their options or current pathway, they are welcome to book this through Sue in this office with Cassandra Kohli (deputy principal). Parents are also welcome to contact the office to book an appointment if they have concerns about their student’s progress in year 11.

Year 11’s must complete their current course of study (block exams will be in week 4 of term 4). Any planned subject changes should be submitted before week 5 so that students begin the new unit in the correct class. All subject changes must be finalised before the end of 2021.

Year 10 Students – Subject Selection

Friday, week 9, students will complete their subject selection for year 11 in their senior pathways class with guidance from Cassandra Kohli (Deputy Principal). These forms will then be sent home with the students for parents to review and to sign before being returned to the office. If students do not return their forms in a timely manner they may not be able to study their first-choice subject depending on numbers.

Any students who are absent on that Friday are asked to collect a form from the office on Monday (or as soon as they return) and to complete and return it. If they require assistance they may book an appointment to work with the Deputy Principal.

Students have already had an opportunity to complete a subject survey indicating their preferences but are not required to select the same subjects if they have changed their minds.

Students are reminded that they need to consider subject prerequisites, such as achieving a B standard in some core classes (English or Maths) in order to be successful in General Subjects in senior school. If students are selecting subjects that may not be appropriate for them, parents will be called to discuss options and pathways for the students before a final subject selection is made.

Cassandra Kohli
Deputy Principal


Junior School

Welcome to week 8.

Contact Details

Are your contact details up to date at the school? Please call Sue at the office or send a note if you have had a change in address or phone number. It is important that we are able to contact you at all times.

Year Six Transition day

Amy Roughan, HOD of the Junior school, Jesse Razbeau, the year 7 Year level coordinator and myself visited Charleville State School and St Mary’s School recently. The first transition day was held on Tuesday 24th August. Our future year students had the opportunity to experience lessons at Charleville State High School, sample the tuckshop and meet potential teachers.

The second transition day is in Term 4. We look forward to having all the year six students continue on their transition from primary schooling to high school. The transitions days are only part of our program to connect with our potential students. We also liaise with the Principals of our feeder schools and students are visited to have an information session in their own environment. Parents are also invited to the information sessions we have in preparation for their child coming to Charleville State High School. Information and enrolment packs are now available at the High School’s office. An appointment must be made for an enrolment interview prior to commencing at Charleville SHS.


It is pleasing to see the majority of our students wear the correct uniform. You may refer to the back page of the student diary for details on the correct school uniform. Please support the P&C and us by ensuring your student has correct uniform every day. If your student comes to school out of uniform, more than three times you will be contacted.

Who can support your student at CSHS?

Parents are the most important educators in their child’s life. Know their timetable. Make regular positive contact with Teachers. Know their assessment calendar. Encourage them to go to Homework Club every Thursday afternoon. Your students will be experiencing a number of assessment items in the next few weeks.

Class Teachers - Have a list of emails to be able to contact staff or ring the school to have a chat or organise a meeting.


Reading is our focus! At Charleville State High School, we have an excellent three-tiered reading plan/focus.

  1. In all subjects and classrooms, reading is taught with Directed Reading and Thinking Activities (DRTA).
  2. For those students whose reading age is not within 6 months of their chronological age we have a program called Levelled Literacy Intervention.
  3. Multilit reading program, which is a one: one reading and sight words program.
    The above three levels of reading at school must have students’ attendance above 90%. Too often students have difficulties with reading because they have interrupted attendance at school.

As parents, you can help your students in many aspects:

  1. Model reading to them. Read interesting articles to them and take the time to discuss and value each other’s opinions.
  2. Encourage students regardless of age to read for at least 20 minutes every day.

Teenagers and the use of Electronic devices

I read an interesting article urging parents to be aware of how and the amount of time teenagers are using electronic devices. I encourage all parents and carers to do their own research on this topic, as it is important for several reasons:

  1. Are the students communicating with people you do not know?
  2. Are students getting enough sleep?
  3. Is the use of electronic devices replacing valuable reading time?

In recent times there has been concern that students may have had the opportunity to view inappropriate material on their devices. As committed parents, please be aware of everything your child accesses and receives.


At Charleville State High School, our goal is for all students to attend school 92%. Please ensure that your child attends school every day unless there is a valid reason. If attendance does not improve then the next step in the process of reaching the goal of 92% is to send an official Education Queensland letter requesting an interview to discuss why attendance is at such a level. If this process is not successful then we have no other option than to start the prosecution process.

Mobile Phones at Charleville SHS

Our Mobile phone policy is very clearly written. Year seven, eight and nine students are not permitted to have a mobile phone at school. If there is evidence that a student in years 10 to 12 has used their phone inappropriately at school, then the student will be prevented from bringing their phone to school. It is the parents’ and/or carers’ responsibility to ensure that the student is receiving and sending legal and only age appropriate material.

There is currently a lot of political and media attention on the use of mobile phones at school. Since bringing our policy into effect at the beginning of 2018 the misuse of phones has dropped dramatically.

Outside of School Hours on School Grounds

Dedicated staff are often at school outside of school hours. It is concerning the number of students on school grounds out of school hours. It is essential that children be adequately supervised at all times.


Our school uses the services of the Stymie team. This organisation allows students to report anonymously any harm/bullying that they may witness or may be occurring to them. The process the school takes is as follows:

  1. A stymie notification is received.
  2. Investigation occurs immediately to confirm validity.
  3. Parents of the accused may be contacted within 24 hours and asked to work as a team to address the situation with their student.
  4. Upon the advice of the parent, the accused student is given an explanation of the concern that is reported and they are given the right of reply.
  5. Continued monitoring to assure that both the accused and receiver of harm is supported.

Please note that this process does not apply to physical harm. Physical harm or intent, is taken extremely seriously at Charleville State High School and will not be tolerated.

Immunisation Year Seven Students

The immunisation program for year seven students will be conducted next term. We do not give actual dates for the program to avoid high absenteeism on the immunisation day. Another reason is to prevent any anxiety that the thought of needles may incur.

Narelle Webb
Deputy Principal
Junior Schooling/Student Services

Charleville Career Expo

On Thursday, 19 August 2021 students participated in the Charleville Career Expo. The event provided a platform for students wanting to learn more about specific career and education pathway opportunities. Students engaged with trained staff in various fields, listened to guest speakers and were able to gain an understanding about potential future study options including TAFE or University pathways.

Overall the feedback from the students has been very positive, many enjoyed the day and feel they have a clearer vision on their future career and the opportunities that lay ahead.

Aspire2Health Expo

Last Wednesday Charleville High students had the opportunity to participate in a day showcasing the opportunities in health held at Southern Queensland Rural Health. The day was organised by Aspire2Health to offer an insight into the varied occupations that are included in the health sector.

Students had the opportunity to work in small groups and work through a rotation of all the occupations on display. Sessions that were rotated through included suturing bad cuts and paramedic emergency responses. The students finished off the day with a better understanding of the different components of the health care profession.


Charleville State High School is running a tender process on items that are surplus to the school.

Some of the items available are: Rotary Tiller, kayaks, mowers, wood fired pizza oven, archery targets and bows, oxy/acet trolley, kitchen exhaust range hood, swags, jerry cans, camp stretchers, camp chairs, camp tables with sink, camp storage bins, UHF radio, chicken runs, lengths of steel, hydrologic press.

If you are interested in tendering for these items please contact Jillian Bussell 4656 8888 or email for a list of the items.

The items will be available for viewing from Wednesday September 1st from 3-4pm.

Tender process will end on Monday September 13, 2021 at 3pm.


If you are interested in casual cleaning please contact Jillian Bussell on 4656 8888. You must have a current Suitability Card from Working with Children (Queensland’s Blue Card system).

KEY DUTIES: Contribute to the efficient and effective operation and environment of the school by providing a high level of cleaning support.


A conversation could change a life.

Please join us… 9 September, 2021

  • Pancake Breakfast – 7am-9am @ Town Hall Park. Information Stands. Kids Corner.
  • Healthy Ageing Morning Tea – 11am. With how to ask ‘RUOK’ presentation.

Free webinars promoting positive body image in teens

1 September: Let’s Talk Body Confident Children & Teens – for carers of primary and secondary age children providing practical tips to help better understand and promote positive body image in the home and healthy eating and exercise behaviours.

9 September: Let’s Talk Body Image in Boys – for parents/carers of pre-teen and adolescent boys.


Enter the Cave Exhibition is on display at The Mulgalands Gallery, Charleville all the way from Tasmania. Entry Gold Coin Donation. COVID-19 restrictions apply.

This is travelling exhibition of caves, cave biology and the exploration and discovery of how this unique environment works. The Exhibition showcases the results of over 30-years of scientific research, over 7 years of filming, and hundreds of millions of years of evolution, from the break-up of Gondwana to the present day!

Charleville Cricket

The Cricket season is fast approaching. Cricket is a great way to learn fundamental motor skills, and make new friends in a fun and safe environment. We would love to see kids from your school involved with our local club out of Charleville. See flyer - it contains information about the upcoming season, and a QR code which will take parents directly to where they can register.