05 March 2025
From the Principal
Senior News
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)
Senior Student and Student Leader Investiture
Junior News
Year 9 Food Specialisation
Yr8 Design & Technology
Swimming Carnival
South West Swimming
Girls U15 Netball
Adrian Vowles Cup
Softball Darling Downs
Reader’s Cup
2025 QATSIF Recipients
Qld Women’s Week
Charleville State High School GP Clinic
Charleville State High School P&C Association
From the Principal

Improvement Agenda - Moderation
What is moderation?
Moderation supports teachers to align curriculum, pedagogy, assessment and reporting; and ensures consistency of teacher judgments and accuracy of reporting against the Australian Curriculum achievement standards.

Why is moderation a focus for 2025?
We look forward to updating our community on how we continue to progress this work as the year progresses.
P & C Meeting
Thank you to our incredible parents who were able to give time to our P & C meeting recently. During this meeting our P&C endorsed some updates to the wording of our Student Dress Code. Please see documentation below.
We are looking forward to our upcoming AGM – scheduled for Wednesday 26th March. Whilst we will be calling for nominations for our committee, your attendance at meetings does not mean you are required to take a job, we would very much appreciate your engagement and contributions to the team.

Senior News
Investiture Ceremony
On Monday, Week 3, we had the privilege of inducting our Year 12 cohort and student leaders (both junior and senior) into their leadership roles for 2025. This special occasion was attended by local community members, families, and school representatives, highlighting the strong support for our student leaders.
It was inspiring to see our Year 12 students presenting themselves with confidence and pride, as well as the respect and engagement demonstrated by the entire school community. We look forward to seeing our student leaders and seniors embrace their responsibilities and make a positive impact throughout the year.
Year 10 History Excursion
On Friday, Week 5, our Year 10 History students embarked on an exciting excursion to the Secret World War II Base and Tour. This hands-on experience allowed students to engage with interactive displays and uncover fascinating, previously classified information about Charleville’s involvement in World War II.
As part of their learning, students will now use their historical knowledge and insights from the excursion to craft a historically accurate letter for their upcoming assessment. We look forward to seeing the creative and well-researched work they produce!
Senior School Assessments & QCE Requirements
As we move into Week 6, students are now in the midst of their assessment period. We remind all senior students to ensure that assessments are submitted by their due dates. If a student is unable to submit an assessment due to illness, a medical certificate is required. For Year 12 students, absences must be formally approved by QCAA.
For our Year 11 and 12 students, every successfully completed assessment contributes towards their Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE):
- Year 11: Students must pass their assessments across the semester to receive QCE points.
- Year 12: Students must pass every assessment to earn the 2 points for that subject.
- Failing to submit an assessment result in an ‘N’ grade, which removes any previously earned points for that subject.
To support students, Homework Club is available for those needing extra help with their assessments. We encourage students to speak with their teachers for guidance and additional support.
Thank you for your ongoing support, and we wish all our senior students’ success in the weeks ahead!
Amiee Dolman
Senior Year Level Coordinator
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)
Our PBL focus for the past four weeks has been:
“We are respectful learners – use kind words to allow others to achieve.”
It has been fantastic to see students demonstrating this value in classrooms and the playground. To recognise positive behaviour, we are preparing for our Term 1 Rewards Trip, which has been student-voted. The three options were:
- Dive-in Movie
- Laser Tag
- Students vs Teachers Activities
The winning vote was the Dive-in Movie, which will take place in Week 10. We encourage students to continue earning and submitting their Starbucks to the library to be eligible for rewards. Excursion notes will be distributed at the start of week 9, and will need to be returned to be eligible for this trip.
There are many exciting PBL initiatives coming up this year, and we look forward to sharing more details in the coming months.
Amiee Dolman
Positive Behaviour for Learning Coordinator
Senior Student and Student Leader Investiture

2025 Year 12 Cohort

2025 Student Leaders: Harry, Ben and Madalynn

2025 Indigenous Ambassador: Lincoln

Junior Captains – Alexis and Betty (Brydie absent)

The Leaders Pledge

House Captains for 2025
Junior News
Strong Start
On Monday, 24th February, we held our first Junior School Parade of the year and recognised some of the significant achievements in the first four weeks:
- 38 students had an attendance of 90% or greater, missing school for a maximum of two days. Many of these students were representing school at sports events
- 17 students had attended every lesson of every day at school – 100%
- 100 positive behaviours were recorded by 12 different teachers for 69 different students in Year 7,8 and 9.
Every positive behaviour represents a celebration of catching and rewarding students doing the ‘right’ thing in school – at least one of we are safe, we are respectful, we are responsible and/or we are a learner.
Assessment Calendars – Crunch Points in the next five weeks
I want to draw your attention to the due dates for assessment that are approaching. Many students will have more than one assessment due on the same day in Years 7-9, and these dates are particularly busy:
Year 7:
- March 11th to 14th: Checkpoints and Drafts
- Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th March: Final Assessments due for:
- Economics and Business
- The Arts
- English
- Food Specialisation
Year 8:
- March 11th and 12th: Checkpoints and Drafts
- Tuesday 25th March: Finals due for:
- History
- Digital Technologies
- Wednesday, 26th March: Finals due for:
- English
- Maths (Exam)
- Science (Experiment)
Year 9:
- Tuesday 25th March: Finals due for:
- English
- Food Specialisation
- Thursday, 27th March: Finals due for:
- Design and Technologies
- Science
In Monday’s PPP class, every Junior Secondary student completed an individualised assessment calendar – an important step in building assessment literacy identifying these crunch points and phasing the work that needs to be completed across the next few weeks to achieve success.
NAPLAN 2025: Dates and Events for Practice Tests and Tests.
Thursday, 6th March: | Friday, 7th March: | Monday, 10th March: |
Period 1: Year 7 Practice Omnibus Test. | Period 1 Year 9 Practice Writing Test. Period 2 Year 7 Practice Writing Test. | Period 2 Year 9 Practice Omnibus Test. |
NAPLAN 2025 Event:
Wednesday, 12th March | Thursday 13th March | Friday 14th March |
Period 1: Year 9 Writing Test. Period 2: Year 7 Writing Test. | Period 1: Year 9 Reading Test. Period 2: Year 7 Reading Test. | Period 1 Year 9 Language Conventions Test. |
Monday 17th March | Tuesday 18th March | |
Period 1: Year 9 Numeracy Test. Period 2: Year 7 Language Conventions Test. | Period 1: Year 7 Numeracy Test. |
- The sessions take place in period 1 and 2 in J10, J14, with some students completing the test in the library.
- Classes will continue to take place after the NAPLAN tests on these days.
- Every young person will have the necessary supports to access the tests.
Jarlath Scannell
Junior Deputy Principal
Year 9 Food Specialisation
Today our Year 9 Food Specialisation students had the opportunity to be a part of a healthy cooking and nutrition workshop run by some dietetic students from QUT through the HOPE project and SQRH. Students made Chilli Con Carne packed full of protein, vegetables, and flavour.
Some big smiles, laughs and full stomachs.

Yr8 Design & Technology
Noah working on a project in Mr Needers class.

Swimming Carnival
Charleville State High School recently held our annual Swimming Carnival. By all accounts it was a good, competitive, fun day. All students are to be commended for their behaviour and participation.

Age Champions
Congratulations to Alexah, Chase, Ava, Zac, Cooper, Harry, Madalynn, Kahli, Harry, Lachlan, Darcie, Tahnee and Jacob.
2025 Champions

Winning House is…

South West Swimming
Charleville State High School students who completed at the South West Regional swim trials in St George on Friday 21st Feb.

Tahnee, Darcie, Logann, Eliza and Brydie
All girls competed with great skill and effort and returned some excellent results. Tahnee was also awarded the 15yrs girls Age Champion medal for her combined results across the day.
Girls U15 Netball
These girls have been successfully chosen in the Charleville District School Sport 15yrs Netball Team. Maddie and Bella qualified for the 18yrs team.
Their next game is the South West Regional Trials in Chinchilla on the 5th March.

Front row- Pippa, Logann, Brydie
Back row- Eliza, Khali, Tahnee, Riley
Adrian Vowles Cup
Charleville State High School students Quaide, Chase, Ollie, Jarryd and Toby played in the Adrian Vowles Cup in the Under 16’s for Mitchell Magpies. Unfortunately, they weren’t the winners of the carnival, but they played their hardest and proud of their efforts and injuries. All are keen to start the 2025 footy season with the Maggies in Mitchell.

Softball Darling Downs
Maddie recently trialled with the South West Softball team. She was selected as a shadow for Darling Downs softball. Well done Maddie!

Reader’s Cup

2025 QATSIF Recipients
Congratulations to Cruze, Declan, Lincoln, Xavier and Zach.

Qld Women’s Week
March forward to Women’s Health & Wellbeing Event was held at Charleville Town Hall. A few of our students attended with Amy Roughan and Mel Doolan SBYHN.

Charleville State High School GP Clinic
We know how important it is to support our students’ physical and mental health, which is why our school is proud to be participating in the GPs in State Schools Program.
Dr Katie Chang and Dr Paul Chang joined the program at Charleville State High School in 2023. Students can see our GP’s for any physical, mental, or sexual and reproductive health concerns. Our school’s GP clinic is open every Tuesday during term time between 8.30am and 2.30pm.
Students are encouraged to talk to School Administration staff or Acacia Country Practice for more information.
To make an appointment:
- Go toacaciacp.com.au and book online through Hot Docs link
- Phone Clinic on 4599 7658
- Phone School Office on 4656 8888
- Email admin@charlevilleshs.eq.edu.au or
- Do a walk-in on the day.

Charleville State High School P&C Association
Scratchie Tree Raffle – we are asking each family to donate scratchies to add to our tree. These can be bought and left at Charleville Newsagency or dropped off at school office by 7th March.
Tickets will go on sale from 8th March. More information will be sent to parents/community shortly.
All proceeds used to support our students!
CSHS P&C Executive:
President – Kelly Shearwin
Vice President – Tegan Russell
Secretary – Julie Frousheger
Treasurer – Lana Holley
Notice of next P&C Meeting
A reminder text will be sent to all families when meetings are scheduled. The P&C General Meetings are held at 5.30pm in the Administration building – new members are very welcome!
Uniform Shop
Uniform items can be purchased from the School Uniform Shop. The Uniform Price list can be found on the school website by clicking on the following link:
Canteen Menu
The Canteen Menu can be found on the school website by clicking on the following link:
If you would like any general information about P&C Associations please go to: